Turn On: Architecture festival in Vienna on 09th and 10th March

The renowned Vienna architecture festival TURN ON offered once again at the ORF RadioKulturhaus Vienna two days jam-packed with presentations on the occasion of its tenth jubilee. The talks examined current architecture and design from a number of different perspectives and complemented each other in terms of the issues they touch on.
On Friday, the platform put the spotlight on the many and varied prerequisites for building as well as on the differing backgrounds to building projects, thereby also focusing on the complex development processes.
Nimbus has also be involved in the festival in this context. Stefan Huml from Nimbus and Ernst Giselbrecht from the Graz firm of architects Ernst Giselbrecht + Partner gave a presentation in the form of a dialogue entitled "New light quality with LED". The presentation also included a detailed look at the new headquarters of <a target="_blank" ÖWG Wohnbau in Graz - the first office building in Austria to be lit 100 per cent with LEDs.
On Saturday, the platform presented a wide-ranging presentation program with leading protagonists in the Austrian architecture scene. It included topical highlights from home and abroad. Renowned architects from Paris and Berlin provided the international context. Dominique Perrault was a guest appearance at TURN ON in connection with the construction of the Vienna DC Towers, and Arno Brandlhuber from Berlin set a counterpoint to the Austrian development in residential construction.
Architekturstiftung Österreich
Festival director: Margit Ulama
You will find further information at: http://www.nextroom.at/turn-on_12/