Architecture congress from November 20 to 21, 2013, in Ludwigsburg

This year once again, the Heinze ArchitekTOUR closed with a two-day architecture congress with the best players in the field. In the Weststadt workshop centre in Ludwigsburg, architects and planners were invited to presentations to be given by national and international stars of the architectural scene. The programme rounded off with speakers and an exhibition of over 50 of the leading manufacturers of building products, fixtures & fittings and furniture. Nimbus was also represented in Ludwigsburg.
- Prof. Meinhard von Gerkan, Gmp
- Prof. Tobias Wallisser, LAVA
- Kim Herforth Nielsen, 3XN
- Reinier de Graaf, OMA
- Herwig Spiegl, AllesWirdGut Architektur ZT
- Prof. Martha Schwartz, Martha Schwartz Partners
and many more
For further details go to:
Thanks to all guests for two interesting and intensive days.