SWR report on the Nimbus Group

Every week "SWR Landesschau Mobil", a program produced by the SWR TV station, hits the road to portray a town or community in Baden-Württemberg. Their interest is not only attracted by traditions, history and landmarks but also by modern companies, special events and committed clubs and societies.
Just before Christmas 2012, the team visited the Stuttgart district of Feuerbach, home to the Nimbus Group for over 10 years now.
Feuerbach has many facets and one of the most important is that it is an extremely vibrant district. Many different nationalities have ended up here at one time or another and have made their new home here – one reason being that there is work on the doorstep at Bosch and at many other internationally active companies – like the Nimbus Group for example.
The tour of Feuerbach naturally included a visit to the Theaterhaus and Baden-Württemberg's largest mosque. During its exhaustive exploration of the area, the SWR team also called in on the Nimbus Group to gain an insight into our world of LEDs. The report was broadcast on Saturday, 12th January on the SWR TV channel.
The report can be accessed in the SWR media centre at: http://swrmediathek.de/player.htm?show=941111a0-5b64-11e2-9bf3-0026b975f2e6