LED beauties win at Focus Open 2014

Our luminaires bagged three awards at the Focus Open 2014, Baden-Württemberg's international design prize.
On 18th October 2014, Force One and Lady Jane were awarded the "Focus Silver" while Eloise received a "Focus Special Mention". The award-winning products will be featured in an exhibition at the MIK in Ludwigsburg until 9th November 2014.
Address of the MIK: Eberhardstraße 1, 71634 Ludwigsburg
Opening times: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 to 18:00; closed on public holidays
Entry free of charge, donation desired
The Focus Open is a non-commercial competition organized by the state of Baden-Württemberg. It has been running for 23 years and enjoys a considerable reputation among enterprises and design agencies. Participants come from all over the world, for example from Japan, the USA, Great Britain, Sweden and, of course, Stuttgart-Feuerbach.
Among the criteria on which the jury bases its decisions are:
design quality, functionality, innovativeness, ecology, sustainability, perceived value, look and fell, emotionality, brand fit
The jury judgments in detail:
Force One(Focus Silver):
A simple design, lightweight looks and a totally unobtrusive appearance: compared with what else the market has to offer, this floor lamp makes a refreshingly understated, even filigree impression. Details like the flush-fitting sensor controls and the gently kinked profile of the aluminum section are equally compelling.
Lady Jane (Focus Silver):
The height adjustment mechanism is as simple as it is elegant and functional. In spite – or perhaps precisely because – of its formal restraint, the luminaire is very aesthetic and consists of nothing more than is absolutely necessary. The option of removing the head and using it separately also proves to be a very user-friendly idea.
Eloise (Focus Special Mention):
An extremely filigree lamp that uses minimum materials yet nevertheless cuts a striking figure in any domestic interior. The thin, carefully bent tube has a tendency to oscillate, which underscores the lightweight character of the construction.
The Nimbus Group has succeeded in convincing the jury for a number of years now and we are already looking forward to the challenge of presenting more innovative products in the year 2015.