Relaunch: Nimbus Group website in new powerful visual design

Have you noticed? A few things have changed here and a lot of new features have been added!
The OCKERTUNDPARTNER design studio (Stuttgart) and Bastian Allgeier (designer and developer, Mannheim) joined forces to completely redesign the Nimbus Group website structure and interface and realize the new concept.
At first glance
In terms of visuals, the new website is absolutely stunning. The company's fascinating products and past projects are presented in a series of vivid images that whet the user's appetite for more. You will often see a "+" sign in the picture galleries that enables you to see full-screen versions of the photos in high resolution. This function is supported in all current browsers starting with Internet Explorer 10.
Responsive is the current buzz word when talking about modern web design. For you as a user that means an extremely high level of usability as web experts like to say.
And usability is a key feature of the new Nimbus site! You don't need to worry about the type of device you use to visit our web pages – our site will adapt itself to you. Whether a desktop computer, laptop, tablet PC or smartphone - the Nimbus website has been optimized for all types of devices and automatically adapts itself to the size of your screen – both visually and, above all, in terms of function.
Searching and finding
One thing is certain: you will never lose your way on the new website. In the top left-hand corner, you always have the higher-level sections under control with our so-called "remote control". You can find exactly what you want with both the cleverly devised product search function on and the project search with its convenient filter function. There are downloads with all the information you require on every single product. Whether you want a picture, texts for tenders, light design data, datasheets or mounting instruction - simply click the article number.
There are appropriate product variants and content on the product pages for those who would rather find than search. Moreover, the section at awaits with a range of articles that give a fascinating insight into the company
New direct accesses to the brands sections
We have also introduced a clearer division between the Nimbus Group's brand sections:
Nimbus's innovative LED luminaires can now be found at the Internet address
Our Rosso and Rossoacoustic brands with their highly flexible shading and room partitioning systems and acoustically effective room partitioning systems are now located at
Anyone wishing to know more about the group of companies, our visions and, of course, our "originals" can still go to
The centrepiece of the Nimbus Group, our fascinating Mock-Up exhibition centre covering over 1500 sq m in Stuttgart, is featured at
We hope that you enjoy discovering our solutions and activities on our new website and that it helps to answer all your questions – but if you would like to know more, simply get in touch with us in person: you will find all your important contacts on our contact page, which has also undergone a complete remodelling.
Best regards from the whole team at the Nimbus Group