Nimbus Group nominated for the "Großer Preis des Mittelstandes"

The "Großer Preis des Mittelstandes" has been awarded by the Oskar Patzelt Foundation since 1994. Each year, the prize goes to an outstandingly successful and responsible medium-sized enterprise from the Baden-Württemberg region. This year 651 enterprises have been nominated from every possible sector. To qualify for nomination, companies must stand out in terms of financial health, entrepreneurial responsibility, sustainable operating processes, creation of jobs and apprenticeships as well as involvement in research and development.
We are proud to have been nominated for this extremely important prize for the first time. We see this as a positive acknowledgement of our daily work and our corporate philosophy. Every day 160 employees endeavour to help the company progress and to not only implement the corporate philosophy but also to live it.
The Oskar Patzelt Foundation's team of jurors will select up to three award winners and five finalists from among the nominated companies. The award ceremony will be held in Würzburg on 13.09.2014. You will find a list of all the nominated enterprises at