Jour Fixe at the Stuttgart Academy of Art and Design summer 2015

Jour Fixe at the Stuttgart Academy of Art and Design summer 2015

In the summer semester 2015, the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste (State Academy of Art and Design) in Stuttgart will once again be inviting audiences to attend its renowned presentation series entitled "Jour Fixe".

Concept and Curation Jour Fixe Series Summer 2015 with the title “Architect as Curator as Architect”:
Prof. i.V. Dr. Mona Mahall, Prof. i.V. Dr. Asli Serbest, AM Chrissi Nasz

Following dates summer semester 2015:
„Joseph Grima, architect, writer, curator – Genoa“

„Felicity D. Scott, writer, editor – New York“

All events will be held on Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

The Nimbus Group is happy to support this series of events along with the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects, Wüstenrot Stiftung, Sto-Stiftung, Armstrong DWL, FSB and BetonMarketing Süd. The presentations in the "Jour Fixe" series are recognised as advanced vocational training for intern architects.

Jour Fixe contacts:
Prof. Mark Blaschitz, AM Katharina Köglberger /// Prof. Tobias Wallisser, AM Sebastian Schott /// + 49 .(0)711.28 440 – 203 ///