Two awards at the Focus Open 2016

Our luminaires bagged two awards at the Focus Open 2016, Baden-Württemberg's international design prize.
Our cableless Roxxane Leggera CL LED luminaire and our Rossoacoustic PADs room acoustics system were awarded the “Focus Silver” prize at the beginning of October! The award-winning products will be featured in an exhibition at the MIK Museum in Ludwigsburg until 20 November 2016.
Address of the MIK: Eberhardstrasse 1, 71634 Ludwigsburg
Opening times: daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; closed on public holidays
Jury’s verdict on Roxxane Leggera CL:
"A good approach to making high-quality light more mobile and independent of bothersome cables. On balconies and terraces in particular, it demonstrates a hitherto unknown special quality. The charging process using the magnetic dock is impressive in its convenience."
Jury’s verdict on the Rossoacoustic PADs:
"There is a direct correlation between the quality of a room and its acoustics – a fact that is not only true of open-plan offices. The PAD provides an easily integrated optimisation option while also lending structure to a room and highlighting individual zones. The discreet design can blend into almost any interior and features the same formal characteristics as the manufacturer’s luminaire systems."
The Focus Open is a non-commercial competition organized by the state of Baden-Württemberg. It has been running for 25 years and enjoys a considerable reputation among enterprises and design agencies. This state-sponsored prize is awarded for pioneering, professional and outstanding design achievements. Among the criteria on which the jury bases its decisions are: design quality, functionality, innovativeness, ecology, sustainability, perceived value, look and fell, emotionality, brand fit.
More information about Roxxane Leggera CL you will find HERE.
More information about Rossoacoustic PADs you will find HERE.
More information about the Focus Open you will find HERE.