Nimbus and Tesla – a new era of Light meets a new era of Mobility !

MASSDREI Interior, one of Nimbus's retail partners, and Tesla Motors Store Frankfurt jointly hosted a fantastic event on the subject of "Paradigm Shift". Such an event naturally demanded the presence of Nimbus in its roles as a LED pioneer and driving force behind the innovation of cableless (battery-powered) lighting!
For over 130 years cable-bound light has been the accepted standard, but now a paradigm shift towards cableless light is slowly taking place. In his power presentation, Dietrich F. Brennenstuhl, CEO of the Nimbus Group, spoke to a large audience about this shift and the pioneering role that Nimbus has once again assumed in the luminaire sector: highly efficient LED technology combined with advanced battery technology allows light to be used in brand new ways!
The assertions presented by Dietrich F. Brennenstuhl will accompany the luminaire concepts and product developments at Nimbus throughout the coming years:
– In 5 years there will be at least one cableless luminaire in every household
– In 5 years cableless luminaires will be used somewhere in every new office building
– In 10 years the energy density of rechargeable batteries will be 10 times greater than that of today
– In 10 years artificial light will only consume a fraction of the energy it consumes today
Besides battery capacity, usability is a further essential factor for users of cableless luminaires: for example a faster and simpler charging procedure. In the case of the Roxxane Leggera CL, this was achieved using the innovative magnetic dock, which charges the luminaire within just a few hours. What is more, the luminaire boasts additional added value features that extend far beyond simply "providing light": a powerbank function for charging other devices such as a smartphone or tablet, gesture control for touchless operation or the adaptive smartphone holder that transforms the luminaire into a "portable power source".
And cableless light will not only establish itself in the home – there will also be a place for cableless luminaires in the office, where they will be used by digital nomads and in co-working spaces, for example.
Having experienced and tested cableless light at first hand both before and after the fascinating presentations, visitors came away totally convinced of the benefits.
Here you can learn more about our cableless Roxxane Fly CL and Roxxane Leggera CL – Cableless Light by Nimbus.
Photos: MASSDREI Interior