Future dreams, future schemes 2016 - event with the BDIA on 15th April

FUTURE DREAMS, FUTURE SCHEMES 2016 - integration through interior architecture! A future dream? In view of recent events, the Baden-Württemberg branch of the Association of German Interior Architects/Designers (BDIA) is examining whether and to what extent interior architecture can help to meet the current and future challenges in connection with the integration of recognised refugees and migrants.
FUTURE DREAMS, FUTURE SCHEMES, once again organised in cooperation with the Nimbus Group and Gira, begins at 13:30 with a guided tour of a building. The building concerned is the new VFB Youth Performance Centre (architecture: asp architekten, Stuttgart) in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. This building recently received an award for exemplary construction from the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects.
The event continues at 16:00 at the Nimbus Group Mock-Up with dynamic presentations examining the topic of integration and a subsequent podium discussion reflecting the various points of view (with: Prof. Rainer Mertes, Stuttgart/Berlin, Dipl.-Ing. BDA Florian Danner, Tübingen and other speakers).
The event will also include the opening of the new BDIA exhibition BEST OF 2015/2016 with fascinating highlights from the world of interior architecture.
Please register by e-mail before 6th April 2016.
Please state whether you would like to participate in the guided tour of the VFB Youth Performance Centre (limited number of places), in the presentations or in both parts of the event.
Registration to:
Brigitte Banzhaf
Member of the managing board of BDIA.BW
E-mail: info@banzhaf-innenarchitektur.de
We look forward to your visit!
(An application has been submitted to the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects to recognise the event as an advanced training measure.)