The new Nimbus LED catalogue 03/2017

The new Nimbus Main Catalogue 03/2017 with all innovations 2017 is now available as PDF and gives an overview of Nimbus's complete range of LED luminaires for residential and non-residential buildings.
The PDF catalogue contains all our new products from 2017 – for example the new versions of the Modul Q Project and Modul R Project luminaires, the Roxxane Bronze Edition and, of course, the Roxxane Fly CL and Roxxane Leggera CL families of cableless luminaires.
A complete new captivating introduction gives you exciting insights into the approach and alignment of the Nimbus Group.
The PDF compendium is complemented by our website at, where you can keep up to date with all the latest technical product information, planning data and lighting calculation files, and view photos and reports from reference projects we have realised. Furthermore, the Service section of our website also offers detailed information and downloads on LED technology, binning and light quality as well as planning tables and planning information, a detailed compendium (FAQs), illustrated installation instructions and instructions for use, and a photo database for product photos.
And should you still have any open questions, please feel free to ask us in person. You will find all your important contacts on the clearly structured Contact page.
You can download the LED catalogue 03/2017, including extracts, here