Ground-breaking ceremony in Africa

Nimbus unterstützt den Aufbau einer Forstfarm in Uganda, die nahe der Hauptstadt Kampala auf dem Weg in die Nationalparks liegt – ein gemeinsames Projekt der Hilfsorganisation Kids of Africa und der TU München, Fakultät für Architektur. Seit dem Spatenstich im Dezember 2018 ist eine Gruppe aus 20 Studierenden und Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern vor Ort und arbeitet mit den lokalen Handwerkern zusammen.
Nimbus supports the construction of a forest farm in Uganda which is located near the capital Kampala on the way to the national parks - a joint project of the aid organisation Kids of Africa and the TU Munich, Faculty of Architecture. Since the ground-breaking ceremony in December 2018 a group of 20 students and scientific staff has been working together with the local craftsmen.
On the building site in Buhweju a small accommodation for travellers will be built next to the forest farm for reforestation of the hills. The design also includes accommodation for the employees - the young adults of the children's village - who will take care of the farm as well as the tourists.
Uganda is a landlocked country in eastern Africa. The capital Kampala is located near Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa. Uganda has 35 million inhabitants on an area of 241,040 km². The nominal GDP is USD 638 per inhabitant, making Uganda one of the poorest countries in the world.
Due to its location on the equator Uganda is characterized by a tropical warm climate. Several lakes, the Nile valley, primeval forests and savannahs determined the landscape. A large part of the population lives from coffee and tea cultivation.
It is impressive to see how the joint work on site works: the rows of bricks of the third building are already standing! We'll keep you updated - and follow the forest farm on Instagram.
If you'd like to help and support the project, you'll find more information there.