4a Architekten, Stuttgart
Good design, a high degree of functionality and the use of appropriate products: these aspects are especially important to architects when designing their own offices, a principle which was demonstrated when 4a Architekten from Stuttgart carefully planned the refurbishment and redesign of their offices at the beginning of 2019. One point that needed to be considered was improving the acoustic conditions. Prior to the redesign, this function was performed by installations that included a felt-covered, cubic partition in one of the office wings. As part of the refurbishment, this was replaced by a new item of half-height furniture for presenting materials and models, which now constitutes the creative centrepiece of the rooms. This has given the room more space but has also changed the sound conditions. 4a Architekten opted for Nimbus and Rosso products to achieve the desired improvement in acoustics. Nimbus Lighting Pads fulfil various functions at the same time: they serve as efficient sound absorbers with a brilliant lighting effect, thereby combining a lighting and sound absorption solution in a single element. Today they enable pleasant working and atmospheric lighting for the staff at 4a Architekten. Rosso acoustic pads were also used in the rear wing of the office along with Modul L ceiling luminaires and Roxxane Office desk luminaires from Nimbus.
Project data
- Builder: 4a Architekten, Stuttgart
- Planning: 4a Architekten, Stuttgart
- Tags: Working,Providing Access,Communication Zones,Holding Conferences
- Realisation: 2019
- Photographer: Frank Ockert
- Project info: PDF - 900.01 kb