Private House, Ludwigsburg (GER)
Why LED? Interior designer Ursula Maier is convinced "that something has got to change as far as light, and therefore also energy, is concerned." The clients and future occupants have also gone for this type of lighting in a big way – which is something of an innovation for living spaces. "Mock-Up", the exhibition and light laboratory of the Nimbus company from Stuttgart, played a major role in helping them reach their decision. The light laboratory makes abstract concepts suddenly very concrete: but clients can not only see a vivid demonstration of the differences between conventional power consumers and efficient LED luminaires. It also becomes evident that the "warm white" of the LED luminaires is now in a position to hold its own against the classical light bulb – thereby promoting its cause as a light source for the home.
A whole series of Nimbus LED luminaires were installed in the house on the hillside. There are near-ground Zen In wall luminaires providing general lighting in every room of the house – they act as a kind of guidance system, particularly during night-time hours. Thanks to their low energy consumption, the luminaires can be left on to light stairs, bathrooms and corridors while everyone is asleep. If an occupant is moving around during the night, the Zen In luminaires are all they need to find their way around. Flat, square Module Q 36 or Module Q 64 luminaires with 36 or 64 light-emitting diodes were mounted on the ceilings.
Project data
- Builder: Private
- Planning: Interior design and decoration: Ursula and Sarah Maier, Stuttgart
- Tags: Providing access (coridors, stairs, etc), receiving visitors, living/relaxing
- Realisation: 2009
- Photographer: René Müller
- Project info: PDF - 555.51 kb