light my fire – art exhibition in Mock-Up Stuttgart

In collaboration with the gallery owner Amrei Heyne, the Nimbus Group has opened the thematic art exhibition "light my fire" at the Nimbus Group Mock-Up in Stuttgart. Over a hundred visitors attended the vernissage and were enthralled by the artists' contemporary works by Ea Bertrams (Stuttgart), Klaus Frahm (Hamburg), Felix Müller (Berlin), Werner Pawlok (Stuttgart), Patricia Thoma (Berlin) and John Zieman (New York). This fascinating exhibition is open to visitors until 7th July.
"light my fire"
Exhibition 27.May - 7. July 2011 Mo - Fr 9 - 18 / Do 9 - 19
at Nimbus Group Mock-Up
Amrei Heyne gallery + fine art consulting
@ Nimbus Group Mock-Up
Leitzstraße 4
70469 Stuttgart
Tel. +49 176 48112637
Pictures: René Müller