aed neuland 2015: exhibition at the Mock‑Up

The aed e. V. - a non-profit organization founded to promote architecture, engineering and design - recently held its fifth "neuland" (new territory) event, an interdisciplinary competition for talented young people. Over 330 entries were submitted, 23 of which were awarded prizes. The exhibition accompanying the competition is well worth seeing and will be making a stop at the Nimbus Group Mock-Up Station until the middle of September.
The aed e. V. - a non-profit organization founded to promote architecture, engineering and design - recently held its fifth "neuland" (new territory) event, an interdisciplinary competition for talented young people. Over 330 entries were submitted, 23 of which were awarded prizes. The exhibition accompanying the competition is well worth seeing and will be making a stop at the Nimbus Group Mock-Up Station until the middle of September.
aed e.V.'s "neuland" competition for up-and-coming talents was held for the fifth time this year. The event was made possible by generous support from the Karl Schlecht Foundation. Over 330 young designers from the whole of Germany (as well as some from Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands) competed for prizes in one of the five categories. The first prize in each category is worth 2,000 euros. 16 renowned jury members from a wide range of very different professions selected the best works in an interdisciplinary selection process. 23 works received prizes, five of which were first prizes – these works will be presented to the public at a ceremony at the Haus der Architekten in Stuttgart on 24.06.2015.
The aim of the competition is to promote innovative and sustainable design that is characterised by the highest possible quality in terms of economics and ecology and that is both functional and user-friendly while also satisfying the highest demands with respect to its aesthetic quality. "aed neuland" is quite consciously interdisciplinary in nature.
A noticeable feature among this year's entries was that the students gave a great deal of thought to concepts for solving global social, economic, medical and ecological problems.
The neuland exhibition will be shown in various places in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the next two years. The first stop following Haus der Architekten will be the recently redesigned Nimbus Group Mock-Up.
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