Sanierung(s)Mobil on tour with Nimbus

The state government of Baden-Württemberg's Sanierung(s)Mobil - a rolling exhibition on the subject of energy-efficient home renovation - has been on tour since the beginning of June. For the next five years, the mobile exhibition will provide space at various events where interested house- and flat-owners can find out about intelligent methods of renovating their property and obtain relevant advice.
In 2014 "Zukunft Altbau" - a program concerning the renovation of old houses initiated by Baden Württemberg's Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector - announced a competition for the design of a mobile show house to illustrate energy-saving renovation. The Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design ran out winners of the competition to design the Sanierung(s)Mobil. On Friday 5th June 2015, the Sanierung(s)Mobil was officially opened by Ministerial Director Helfried Meinel during the Protestant Kirchentag.
For five years, the rolling exhibition will now inform interested house- and flat-owners about ways of renovating their property. The interior features topic boards on different technologies for generating, distributing, storing and transferring heat; for ventilation; for electrical and lighting design as well as for obtaining energy. With its 1:1 cutaway representation of a building, the facade rounds off the exhibition concept along with the models, drawings and digital presentations in the rear of the trailer.
Nimbus fitted out the Sanierung(s)Mobil with Modul Q 49 surface-mounted luminaires and provides information on how existing buildings can be retrofitted with LED lighting. The square ceiling luminaires in the Modul Q range are made of translucent acrylic glass. Thanks to their unique light characteristic with edge illumination, they are particularly suitable for efficient, wide-area general lighting in the home and office. A variety of lighting tasks can be flexibly and effectively covered by the various sizes and performance ratings that are available. Thanks to the modular structure of the Modul Q range, the luminaires can be mounted in various ways – directly on a surface, in cavities or suspended. The surface-mounted versions in the Sanierung(s)Mobil are particularly suitable for retrofitting in existing buildings.
Moreover, the Nimbus luminaires are also equipped with Light Control. With this innovative solution, luminaires connected via the 3-core cabling so typical for older buildings can now also be dimmed. Light Control enables continuous dimming of our LED luminaires using a smartphone or tablet without the need for an elaborate and expensive building control system. The luminaries can of course not only be controlled via a smartphone but also using the wall switch.
In the next few months, the rolling exhibition can be seen on 19.09.2015 at the Energiewendetage (Energy Turnaround Days) 2015 at Schlossplatz in Stuttgart or at the Familie & Heim (Family and Home) exhibition in November.
Further information and the latest dates at
Photos: Zukunft Altbau