Modul Q/R IQ Sensor
The luminaire
Thanks to its new IQ technology, Nimbus is able to offer sensor-operated ceiling luminaires from the Modul Q 36, 49, 64 and Modul Q/R Project ranges with integrated presence and ambient light sensors “on board”.

The IQ sensor luminaires react to presence and ambient light. However, the special feature here is the option of setting the basic brightness: if presence is no longer detected, the luminaire does not switch off but gently dims to the pre-set brightness.
You therefore always have an ideal level of lighting – adapted to your current requirements.

IQ Sensor
The IQ sensor function is available for luminaires in the Modul Q and R Project ranges as well as for Modul Q 36, 49 and 64. The sensors have been integrated in the luminaire head so that they are practically invisible. Living areas, communication and circulation zones, hotel and building corridors, stairwells and WCs can all be fitted or retrofitted with this convenient and autonomous solution, which also allows lighting concepts based on a consistent design.

As an option, further, wired standard luminaires can be added to the 24 V versions of the IQ sensor luminaires to form functional “master-slave” groups of luminaires. The pre-set functions and dimming levels are passed on to the connected standard luminaires (without IQ sensors).

Lighting comfort
The special feature is the ability to set the basic brightness: if presence is no longer detected, the luminaire does not switch off but gently dims to the pre-set basic lighting level. The user therefore never enters a dark area. A convincing function for corridors not lit by daylight. The basic brightness function can also be deactivated on the luminaire.
Easy to use
Using three integrated rotary switches on the rear of the luminaire, the brightness level, OFF delay and basic brightness can be selected quickly and easily to match the user’s individual lighting requirements.

The advantage of the Nimbus IQ luminaires is the capability for setting the basic brightness. Our new IQ sensor technology closes the gap between a simple motion detection function and a more complex light management system.

The detailed user's guide you will find HERE.
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