Police Museum, Stuttgart
A journey back in time through the history of the police force: the newly opened Police Museum in Stuttgart features spectacular crimes that shook the city over a period covering two centuries and shows how the police solved them. Fascinating insights into crime scene work and forensics as well as a "valuable" collection of counterfeit money are presented to visitors in showcases and on wall displays. The Red Army Faction, the Stuttgart police during National Socialism, an authentically depicted historical police station, a complete weapon exhibition, historical uniforms and many more exciting original exhibits from the history of the police are presented by the Stuttgart Police Historical Society in an area covering over 220 square metres. Owing to their location in the basement, the exhibition rooms have to manage without daylight. Luminaires from Nimbus's Modul Q family have therefore been installed to light up the entire exhibition space, thereby demonstrating their huge versatility: rotating and tilting Modul Q 36 TT luminaires direct the visitor's gaze to individual exhibits or information areas. By means of secondary light, the Modul Q luminaires provide pleasant ceiling washing in the low rooms as well as uniform, more or less room-height wall washing.
Project data
- Builder: Polizeihistorischer Verein Stuttgart e.V, Stuttgart
- Planning: U.O.R.G. Lutz Eberle, Bernhard Abele, Stuttgart
- Tags: Exhibiting,Working,Receiving Visitors,Meeting
- Realisation: 2015
- Photographer: Frank Ockert
- Project info: PDF - 1.02 mb