Official partner in the »OFFICE 21®« project at the Fraunhofer IAO

The Nimbus Group is an official project partner in the "OFFICE 21®" project at the Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart.
How will office and knowledge work develop in future? That is one of the central questions that drives the Nimbus Group with its two brands Nimbus and Rosso in the development of new products for the office.
In the face of the changing requirements of the knowledge society, the organisational, technological and spatial design of the working environment has developed into a key factor for success for many organisations. With competition now on a global scale, enterprises, their employees and teams are facing ever growing demands in terms of performance, efficiency and innovative capability.
The design of innovations and of working environments that foster innovation represents a powerful management instrument from the employee and corporative perspective for successfully encountering ever more exacting requirements.
In the Office 21 collaborative research project, the Fraunhofer Institute and its partners are studying this transformation and developing concrete alternatives for successfully designing and realising this future world of work within companies.
Current publication:
"Working environments 4.0 – how we will work and live tomorrow"
Based on a forecast process involving over 100 experts, this scenario describes the work and home environments of office and knowledge workers in the year 2025.
The publication is available via Fraunhofer Institut.