Design prize for Roxxane Fly and Modul Q Project

Our luminaires bagged two awards at the Focus Open 2015, Baden-Württemberg's international design prize.
Middle of September 2015, Roxxane Fly and Modul Q Project were awarded with the "Focus Open Silver". The award-winning products will be featured in an exhibition at the MIK in Ludwigsburg until 22nd November 2015.
Address of the MIK: Eberhardstraße 1, 71634 Ludwigsburg
Opening times: daily 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday: 10:00 to 21:00
The Focus Open is a non-commercial competition organized by the state of Baden-Württemberg. It has been running for over 20 years and enjoys a considerable reputation among enterprises and design agencies. Participants come from all over the world, for example from Japan, the USA, Great Britain, Sweden and, of course, Stuttgart-Feuerbach.
Among the criteria on which the jury bases its decisions are:
design quality, functionality, innovativeness, ecology, sustainability, perceived value, look and fell, emotionality, brand fit
The jury judgments in detail:
Roxxane Fly:
The appearance of this extremely compact luminaire promises an unusual degree of maneuverability that immediately makes you want to put it through its paces. You soon discover that the head really can be set in a wide range of stable positions. Mobile and handy, the luminaire opens up a host of new usage scenarios.
Modul Q Project:
Flatter and even more understated than the classic Modul Q family, the design accentuates the distinctive features of the luminaire to an even greater degree, thereby enhancing ist premium appearance. At the same time, the core of the design – the LED grid – remains unaltered but has been given additional emphasis by the new, slender sides.
More information about the Focus Open: