Lebenswege: Volkwin Marg (gmp) in the Nimbus Group Mock‑Up

gmp gmp is one of the largest and most important architectural offices in the world. Co-founder Volkwin Marg was giving an inspiring talk in our Mock-Up in the framework of an event in cooperation with aed Stuttgart.
The breakthrough for the two founders of the office, Meinhard von Gerkan and Volkwin Marg, came at a very early stage, shortly after they completed their studies in fact. In 1965, they won 1st place in the 'ideas competition' for the extension of Tegel to make it the second airport in West Berlin. The young team of Gerkan and Marg succeeded against some very hard international competition with a design that is still highly admired today. It was the beginning of an unparalleled career to which almost 600 prizes testify, including more than 310 first places as well as numerous awards for exemplary architecture.
In his inspiring presentation, Volkwin Marg talked about how gmp started and has since grown successfully, at the same time looking back on 50 years of German architectural history – a unique view for the 100 guests of the past by someone who witnessed it closely. Following the presentation, there was a closing event of the exhibition "aed neuland", in which this year's prize winners were presented to the Stuttgart public.
Co-organiser of the evening was once again aed, an association for the promotion of architecture, engineering and design in Stuttgart. aed is an initiative started by Stuttgart engineers, architects and designers whose aim is to foster expertise in design – from product and graphic design to multimedia, engineering and architecture – in the Stuttgart region and to bring it closer to the public.
We would like to thank our committed partners, our numerous guests – and above all Volkwin Marg – for an unforgettable evening!
Fotos: René Müller Photographie, Stuttgart