DGNB Stuttgart
The Nimbus Group is a founding member of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), which is why it seemed appropriate that solutions from the Nimbus Group should be used in the design of the Council's new offices in Stuttgart's Caleido office and business complex. A total of seven variants of the Nimbus Modul R family light up the generously dimensioned foyer. With their round shape, they set glowing highlights in the fluid spaces. Suspended or mounted directly on the ceiling, spread out or packed close together, the variously diametered luminaires create their own vibrant light landscape on the ceilings. Roxxane Office LED luminaires with gesture-controlled dimming provide the required additional light at the workplaces. The room acoustics at the workplaces were also optimised with Nimbus Group products: Rossoacoustic TP 30 and CP 30 panels from the Rosso range of room-partitioning systems ensure ideal acoustic conditions. The UMnet firm of architects from Stuttgart was responsible for the overall interior concept. Echoes of the DGNB logo are to be found everywhere: its colours are green and Victoria blue, a ribbon its symbol. Based on these two elements, the front edges of the suspended ceilings or the window parapets are transformed into a green or Victoria blue ribbon within the room. In some places, it continues in furniture or partitions; it highlights communication and contact areas or separates work spaces and special purpose areas. A meeting place has been created for the Council's activities, a place where sustainable building can be experienced at first hand.
Project data
- Builder: DGNB, Stuttgart
- Planning: urban matters UMnet, Stuttgart
- Tags: Receiving Visitors,Holding Conferences,Providing Access
- Realisation: 2014
- Photographer: Swen Carlin, Frank Ockert (5)
- Project info: PDF - 998.29 kb